Film Show: Six Inches of Soil – the revolution is underground
At Crediton Methodist Church. Entry by donation (suggested £4) . Doors open 6.40pm. Refreshments available.
Six Inches of Soil follows the inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food
system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide
for local communities. The film follows the highs and lows of three new farmers on their
regenerative journey: Anna Jackson, a Lincolnshire 11th generation arable and sheep farmer;
Adrienne Gordon, a Cambridgeshire small-scale vegetable farmer; and Ben Thomas, who rears
pasture fed beef livestock in Cornwall. As the trio of young farmers strive to adopt regenerative
practices and create viable businesses, they meet seasoned mentors who help them on their
journey. They are joined by other experts providing wisdom and solutions from a growing movement
of people who are dedicated to changing the trajectory for food, farming and the planet.
Q & A following the screening - tickets available on the door.